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I’m Julia. I love helping businesses, brands, influencers and educators create a valuable dialogue with their audiences through video.  Having worked for companies large and starting up, I bring a range of experience any to project or team I work with.

My passion for visual storytelling probably comes from my love of travel. Being exposed to new cultures, people and ideas is what helps to inform the way I tell stories through my edits.


I am creative both on the job and off the job. In my spare time, I can be found playing with different types of still photography techniques to combine with video for personal projects, heading out into the countryside to find new ingredients for my latest batch of Kombucha or learning a new skill and interest through a course or class.


 I currently reside in San Francisco, California ☮️I'm originally from Toronto, Canada 🇨🇦 and was film schooled/university degreed in Montreal, Quebec ⚜️


Thanks for stopping by and checking out my work.

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